Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
Out next comes Randy Orton to a big pop from the crowd. Out next comes the United States Champion Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero. They lock up and go at it. Orton takes Dolph down first with a headlock. Orton floors Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler counters next and rolls Orton up for 2. They go to lock up again but Dolph strikes. Orton turns it around and sends Dolph out to the floor after a big clothesline. Dolph comes back in and Orton controls, getting another 2 count.
More back and forth action. Orton tries to come in from the outside but Dolph dropkicks him on the apron. Orton falls back to the floor as Barrett smirks at him. Dolph brings the fight to the floor and works Orton over before rolling him back in for a 2 count. Dolph stomps away in the corner but Orton turns it around. Orton with big uppercuts. Dolph counters with a neckbreaker and another 2 count. Dolph keeps control and goes to the top. Orton meets him with a right hand. Orto climbs up and brings Dolph back to the ring with a big superplex. Orton with a 2 count as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Orton trades shots with Ziggler in the middle of the ring. Orton rocks Ziggler to the ropes and kicks him in the chest. Orton with a pair of clotheslines and a scoop slam. Orton hits the second rope draping DDT. Orton readies for the RKO but Ziggler rolls out of the ring and goes to leave. Barrett gets on the apron and Orton dropkicks him. Ziggler runs in from behind and lays Orton out for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
article part of this post is credited to WWW.Wrestling-Edge.com
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