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Monday, December 12, 2011

Raw results and photos 12-5-11

Randy Orton vs. The Miz
Randy Orton makes his way out as Miz looks on from the ring and we go to commercial.
Back from the break and they go at it. Miz takes control but Orton comes out of the corner with right hands and an uppercut. Orton with a big clothesline and stomps. Orton with a suplex. Miz kicks Orton in the head and drops him with a big boot. Miz stomps away on Orton now. Miz with a 2 count and a headlock. Miz with more offense and another 2 count. Miz goes back to the headlock now.
Orton comes back with a suplex. Miz goes for the clothesline in the corner but Orton hits one of his own. And another. Orton with the scoop slam. Orton goes for the second rope draping DDT but Miz counters and sends Orton to the floor. MiZ goes to the floor but Orton scoop slams him hard. Wade Barrett’s music hits and out he comes to the stage. Orton ends up chasing Barrett off to the back and getting counted out.
Winner by Count Out: The Miz
- Orton comes back down to ringside upset. Barrett runs down from behind and lays him out.

(Author's Note: sorry it's taken me so long to update! it's just for some reason i couldn't get blogger to let me post anything. but no worries it's all good now-mj)

article part of this post is credited to

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